Thursday, December 9, 2010

paper, scissors, and me

i've always loved paper as far back as i can remember. and when i was finally given the right pair of scissors, (not those horrid little left handed scissors they'd try to give me in school for lefties, that don't work worth a crap, tyvm!) i loved to cut things out of newspapers, magazines, and trim things so that all the edges matched up. (here's where the ocd pops up-recutting said image over and over to try and have it perfectly straight to the nteenth degree, harharhar). anyhow, recent events and the literary scramble to write 50k in a few weeks had me a bit tired of typing, so i prescribed meself a date with some of my 'keeper's' - magazines that i have had for a decade now, which i am now ready to get rid of as soon as i've picked through them and cut out the images to save. i've a big stack now which i am trimming and cleaning up so as to file them in categories (animals, floral, texture, text, color, faces-b/w, faces-full color, etc. etc. etc.) if you've never done anything like this, its very mindless and calming and surprisingly refreshing as a nice cup of mineral water, with bubbles and lemon, please.

above is a collage i made into a postcard for a mail art call, using some of the stock of images that i've accumulated.
now i've got to go back to sorting and filing. more tomm!

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