Tuesday, December 21, 2010

mail art madness

i am thinking that the best thing about mail art is the recycling aspect of it: you make tons of artwork anyhow, it piles up and clutters every empty space in the apt/house, so why not send it on out? the sheer volume alone of artist's proofs, bad color combinations, mess-ups, and experiments gone -oh-so-wrong guarantee that you will never be at a loss by sending the work out there. and the strange thing is that often something that you think is less than decent and bordering on disastrous often falls into the hands of someone who is enthralled by it.... yep, go figure. so today i did a mess of stuff in an effort to free up the color ruts i get into and develop some new color combinations. and...um, well, at first glance they didn't turn out so good. but by the time i finished doing some brush and ink work practice on the less attractive (imho) pieces, and used some crayons on some others, i have to say they didn't come out as bad as at first glance. now if i could stop procrastinating on the scanning ....

post script: if anyone is wondering why the above image is with this post, i was watching this last night when i was working on the mostly oxblood and black experiments, go figure. =)
until tomm dear readers

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