its been twelve days since i posted last. and true to my word i have been sketching a lot more, filling up pages with color in a newly prepped day journal and have been working on juggling languages with deftness and ease. i found word games in french and spanish and i have been trying to decompress a bit by playing in spare moments. the image is from 'les mots' , but of course it doesn't have the room on my ipheezy to squeeze in my favorite of all time "jose chung's from outer space." Roswell! Roswell!
online musings, observations, documentation & commentary regarding mail art and an artists predilection for procrastination using her dogs as an excuse. Please don't use or right click any of my artwork or photos posted here. it's bad and i'll be forced to send the pups to eat you out of hearth and home
Friday, September 16, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
the blogging has been neglected of late and for the life of me i can't seem to think of the why and where did august go?
i was extremely lucky that during the month we had more than adequate cloud cover, meaning Happy Mami, Happy Nina, and Happy Gigi!
looking through most of my sketchbooks, (which serve as a hard copy of real life) i did a bit of walking with the girls, mostly along a stretch of
bayside that faces the island of alameda and the skyline of sf, which is aptly named 'shoreline park'. did more cooking than usual, which means
the painting of postcards and such diminished drastically. so it will be good to get back into that habit. did some drawing. sent out the mail art.
saw more family than i have in the last few years. just about wrapped up another journal/collage book, "les mots" with the exception of some outlining
paint to bring some rather fractured pieces/pages some cohesiveness. and received my new sketchbook project sketchbook and have been keeping
it right here next to the computer so that i may, sketch in it, every, every moment so that it gets filled up sooner rather than later.
the collage posted with this entry is one that i did a while back on a piece of cardboard with scraps from the recycle bin and a foil piece from a pellegrino
limonata can. ummmm, pellegrino mi amore!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
purple haze
never really heard the song but know of the title, i did hear of cover of the song in one of my all-time favorites "born in east LA" where Rudy is playing guitar for tourists in TJ for change to pay off a coyote to take him back to, you guessed it, ELA. Whittier Blvd, Taco Village, Morales Shower Doors, and Garfield Ave. Pico Rivera and the Pomona Fwy. Soto St. Chickens in backyards and churros outside of la misa on sundays. And the everpresentthumpthumpthump of a heavy duty bass and WAR blasting from the cherried out buicks with chain link steering wheels.
Monday, August 15, 2011
mission blvd
this year has been all about family stuff for me. so much so that it seems that not a week goes by that i am not engaged with immediate or extended family in one way or another. this weekend was no different. i needed to go see my father on saturday and then go to my uncle's birthday on sunday. since the little monsters are a handful, i doubled back the next day in a sense. while driving both days, i was reminded how much things have changed, and conversely, how thins have remained untouched.
Roads and thoroughfares- big changes. the old farm roads that i knew are being demolished to make way for new overpasses to avoid the inevitable accidents on the two lane hiway.
Farms and crops-unchanged. the smell of broccoli and the sight of row upon row of strawberries and culled through lettuce fields grabs hold of my heart no matter how long i'm away, and twist in an odd fashion. for as much as i hated it here and couldn't wait to go to the "big city", the earth has a hold on me and experiencing the surroundings via the senses calls the long forgotten to be reintegrated.
livestock-still abundant, the cows, the goats, the horses, the ranch dogs that keep pace with your car and bark furiously until you reach the next property always makes me smile.
the picture of this post brought a laugh and smile to my face and heralded my trip back to the fields and hills. it was like a vision from my past announcing my immediate future. have a lovely day.
Roads and thoroughfares- big changes. the old farm roads that i knew are being demolished to make way for new overpasses to avoid the inevitable accidents on the two lane hiway.
Farms and crops-unchanged. the smell of broccoli and the sight of row upon row of strawberries and culled through lettuce fields grabs hold of my heart no matter how long i'm away, and twist in an odd fashion. for as much as i hated it here and couldn't wait to go to the "big city", the earth has a hold on me and experiencing the surroundings via the senses calls the long forgotten to be reintegrated.
livestock-still abundant, the cows, the goats, the horses, the ranch dogs that keep pace with your car and bark furiously until you reach the next property always makes me smile.
the picture of this post brought a laugh and smile to my face and heralded my trip back to the fields and hills. it was like a vision from my past announcing my immediate future. have a lovely day.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
oooh, not a good shot. but it will do for the sake of the general idea. so, the impetus for this is integration and fitting pieces together to make a coherent whole- ---it was something i have been doing over and over again as a main design for about a week now. one of the things that happens to me when i draw and doodle on paper is that i draw in theme cycles, that is, if i draw unconsciously, things appear by themselves most of the time and i've learned to go with it (a tour through my photostream will show previous cycles, eyes, circles, squares, waves,e t c ) and now when i look through older stuff, i can remember the theme from specific dates (eyes 2004-2006, squares 2008 late fall, etc.) does this happen to others? i wonder.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Mail art received
this week i've been a little, yes, just a little, lazy in regard to the blogosphere. call it crazy, but i know that the countless millions will not be showing up in front of my home with torches and pitchforks demanding in loud unreasonable voices if i fail to post. hence, the sloth, the lethargy, the definite ohwhogivesanish if i don't post. but i did get some nice mail art this week. and btw the picture and the post don't match. that's my outgoing mail in the photo. however, i got some good stuff from alexandre in guaralhos, sp and from test tower in washington and stickers from spence in canada. nifty!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
collage brut
my style of collage is an ever-changing technique, but for the most part it is based on found words and scraps of my own art work or paintings. sometimes i like to fill the page for a spill over effect, and other times, like this example here, i play with the empty space around the main image. collage in some of my journals aren't finished for quite a time, i go back and add and take off and cover with paint or more words or images. i use color to bring it together loosely or in some cases, wait to see what develops on the page.
Monday, July 18, 2011
all it needs is you
so this weekend was just another example of how if we really wanted to stop the madness and refuse to participate in this mess of a sham called democracy it is possible and it could be, dare i say it?--even fun.
my vision for a revolution is for a weekend long sit down, stop work, bbq party with music and dancing and eating and socializing, a be-yourself or whoever you would like to be...maybe even a costume revolution in full disguise and fun wigs? why not? who says revolution has to be serious? why couldn't it be a hazy smoky lovefest? a 25 bottle of beer on the wall game of quarters with everyone on the block refusing to go out to buy *%it, or drive to work, or generally refuse to create or exchange income? i think if we can not shop on xmas (pretty much, right?) why not use that self restraint and organizing skills to stop the Kist machine and make it take notice to the big sitdown and drop out. just a nagging thought.
my vision for a revolution is for a weekend long sit down, stop work, bbq party with music and dancing and eating and socializing, a be-yourself or whoever you would like to be...maybe even a costume revolution in full disguise and fun wigs? why not? who says revolution has to be serious? why couldn't it be a hazy smoky lovefest? a 25 bottle of beer on the wall game of quarters with everyone on the block refusing to go out to buy *%it, or drive to work, or generally refuse to create or exchange income? i think if we can not shop on xmas (pretty much, right?) why not use that self restraint and organizing skills to stop the Kist machine and make it take notice to the big sitdown and drop out. just a nagging thought.
Friday, July 15, 2011
to the park, driver
or the beach for the naughty husky's Birthday!!! yes, our little dramatic, over the top, emotional little wolfie-poo Nina herself is three years old. time has gone so fast now that she is slowing down a bit, the first year and a half were excruciatingly slllloooowwwwww, with demands for walks, attention, walks, attention, walks and more attention. honestly, i saw that someone on fb was wanting a puppy and i shuddered at the memory of howmucheffinworkitwas. ouf! as much as a toddler! and everyone who knows me knows how much i detested having toddlers. a breed of demonic humanoids that should be sent away to some sort of island until they are able to verbalize needs and conduct themselves properly. and don't think i didn't stay up nights refusing to submit in powerful battle of wills with mine--i gladly went without sleep to make sure no half pint of neurons with vocal cords in training pants was going to outdo me in stubborn-ness.
as if!
but i would have to say that nina was probably the easiest to get to listen and obey, far easier than gigi, who i have to engage in a duel at least once daily until she remembers who gives the orders--nina, after all--in the words of mj is "a lover, not a fighter". that doesn't mean she doesn't try (hence the nickname the naughty husky). it just means that one steely look from me or a strongly stated reprimand sends her ears back and brings her back to good common sense, and quite often, a little tap dance over to me and a kiss on the hand as an apology or peace offering. happy birthday diba!
as if!
but i would have to say that nina was probably the easiest to get to listen and obey, far easier than gigi, who i have to engage in a duel at least once daily until she remembers who gives the orders--nina, after all--in the words of mj is "a lover, not a fighter". that doesn't mean she doesn't try (hence the nickname the naughty husky). it just means that one steely look from me or a strongly stated reprimand sends her ears back and brings her back to good common sense, and quite often, a little tap dance over to me and a kiss on the hand as an apology or peace offering. happy birthday diba!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Don't mind the gap
sorry for the huge delay in the blogstream. since the weather has returned to semi-normal offshore cloud patterns, the pups and i have been taking advantage and catching up on all the things that we couldn't do while it was too hot last week (although that's hard to believe-the temp has dropped +25 degrees)! we are all catching up on our missed sleep-since it was too stifling to really sleep well-so the girls have been drowsy of late. hence the photo of gigi, on the edge of nodding off with droopy little eyes. i've not the slightest idea where she used to sleep as a stray, but i am guessing it was someplace small and inconspicuous, because she has an absolute fetish for smashing her head into things before she journeys into the arms of hypnos. sleep well and dream of snackies, little goodie gobbler.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Waves of color
i've been away from the blogster for a few days now. i've been catching up with cleaning and laundry after a flurry of painting to beat any potential heat waves that might have made the painting an exercise in s/m, with the little plastic suit i wear to keep the splatters from falling on me and such and the u/v rays beating down through the window of the dining room. soooooo, i am forced to skiff through ( i love making up random verbs a la l.carroll- 'twas brillig and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble...) the flickr fotitos. so here's a cool colored mandala made with le pen thin pens in some of my favorite colors- aqua blue and olive green.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Nearly done
after four non-consecutive days of a few hours each time, the lovely pre-wwII dining room is nearly finished. only one wall and a partial doorway remain to be done, and the room looks fantastic. the moulding, which was covered haphazardly with terribly hand painted birds (bald eagles, no less!) is covered completely and only the filagreed plaster remains, sans feathered friends. what a relief! the room looks like it was meant to, simple in elegance and a calm center of the home. the color really turned out well, a huge bonus, the beige neutral enough to blend with the cool grayish green of the art studio (see photo) and warm enough to compliment the reddish oak furniture within the space. it's quite exciting.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Sunday afternoon
i did this floral mandala in what i would call a semi-usual style, it was not what i would instinctively have done, especially with the filled in lines instead of blocked out colors. and i also deliberately tried to do something different by not filling in the white spaces of the green lines. it was somewhat frustrating to leave the white spaces as such, i wanted so much to put down thicker, broader strokes of color to fill it all in. but i reasoned that if i wanted to do that, i could always draw the design again and make a blk/wht copy and then go back and do color/texture experiments. i guess this is why people use photoshop, but aside from the prohibitive price, i like to do things by hand rather than mess about with the computer.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Chiens Interdits
well, they may be forbidden but that didn't prevent us and the girls to play on the mostly barren shores the other afternoon the first day of the heat wave. half moon bay was a lovely 65 in the sun, with a brisk cold wind blowing. the naughty husky Nina and the goodie gobbler Gigi were in their element, running leash free on the sand dunes, galloping like little runaway horses. papi even coaxed nina and gigi into the waves so they could get used to the water, braving the 40 degree pacific coast swells himself, which i thought was pretty darn heroic, considering he was used to the warm mediterranean currents.
the girls were so content that while we went to eat after our excursion, they snoozed in the back of the little ford four door without a peep until we got back to fairmount ridge. with the infernal heat going into its third day, i'm dreaming of the cold winds and stinging sands of la plage.
Via Flickr:
sorry girls no chasing horses today
the girls were so content that while we went to eat after our excursion, they snoozed in the back of the little ford four door without a peep until we got back to fairmount ridge. with the infernal heat going into its third day, i'm dreaming of the cold winds and stinging sands of la plage.
Via Flickr:
sorry girls no chasing horses today
Friday, July 1, 2011
Collage from Kragujevac!
while i've been busy painting dining rooms, i received some wonderful handmade collage postcards from the serbian mail artist Petrovic, whose work i love! he has a minimalist but dense style consisting mostly of typeface, one of the most wonderful things in the world, imo.
i love letters, words, script and font design, and to have cyrillic phrases incorporated into art that i can touch is thrilling beyond belief. Thx P!
i love letters, words, script and font design, and to have cyrillic phrases incorporated into art that i can touch is thrilling beyond belief. Thx P!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
fly away home
the first couple layers of primer and paint have almost completely obliterated those horrific birds that were haphazardly painted on poor catherine's walls...she decided to go with a beige-y color that was difficult to find. most colors were, even as a beige, too red, orange, blue, grayish, even lavender-ish to be considered a neutral neutral. luckily she stumbled upon this color, which resembles coffee ice cream. yum!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Bye Bye Birdies
i've a painting job in a lovely old home that unfortunately for my friends, has survived some rather atrocious prior paint jobs, such as the one here to the left <<<<
but i'm happy to say the birds that have been fashioned out of the 1920's moulding are pretty much on their way out. i really enjoy painting rooms and such, its very satisfying and for someone who loves to see progress and end results, its wonderful. stay tuned for more pictures tomm!
but i'm happy to say the birds that have been fashioned out of the 1920's moulding are pretty much on their way out. i really enjoy painting rooms and such, its very satisfying and for someone who loves to see progress and end results, its wonderful. stay tuned for more pictures tomm!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Gigi w/ her snazzy new backpack
here is a photo of the goody gobbler herself, GiGi, who just celebrated her two year anniversary chez nous. Since that time, she has blossomed from a 29 pound waif who didn't know what toys or affection were, to a little lover who can sit, lay down, walk on a leash, and roll on her back for tummy rubs, while showing her little front teeth. today when we went for coffee, she lay on the cool sidewalk in front of the cafe, as people walked by and stopped to admire her. as they reached out to pet her, she put her head under their outstretched hands to encourage the affection. it was lovely to see.
Friday, June 24, 2011
correo colibri
in our yard we have two giant bottlebrush bushes that are approx 7 feet tall. within their branches the hummingbirds dance and feed and sing their strange clicking songs of mirth or gossip, depending on the speed or rhythm, i'm guessing. they are quite tame, and usually come to greet me in the mornings and afternoons, hovering close to my face, their tiny eyes focusing on mine with a gaze that belies their aviary nature. in mesoamerican culture, they retain special significance and i feel a great affinity for them. i love to watch them in flight and at rest on our old tree with its withered branches, their tiny bodies no bigger than my thumb. i hope to soon plant even more foliage to keep them close to me so that i can watch them and offer them a bit of respite chez nous.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
fancy a cuppa?
ok i didn't have a cup of tea but i did have a slice of red velvet cake and a cup of coffee at cafe leila's today for the end of the month artist meetup, which had its origins over six years ago thx to mail artist carla cryptic who was generous enough with her time and resources to be the official host of our east bay meetup atc group. since that time, we have evolved as artists and in different mediums, but the bonds we forged as artists has remained strong. no longer at emeryville public market, we have moved from venue to venue until settling down in berkeley as a central meeting place, with, miracle of miracles, PARKING. the wonders never cease.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
what i did on a hot hot day
its been hot now in the east bay for four days and counting. it promises to be cooler tomm, but one never knows. i know i whine sooooo much about the heat but honestly if you were in the middle of an illustration like the one next to the text box and YOUR PENS STARTED DRYING UP wouldn't you be just a little annoyed? yes, our little lopsided crackerbox on the hayward fault line was, according to the thermostat, an infernal 92 degrees INSIDE. why oh why doesn't califas merit air conditioning?
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
i thought they were over....before they even started
thx florence y la maquina, for getting my hopes up. i was fervently and visually boarding for a complete summer no -show, thx to your song. it kept my hope alive. now its gone, further south than any, any, any delusion of a p-r utopia comes crashing into the cold concrete wall of systemic rot. i know i should be waxing poetic of the beauty of the solstice, blah blah blah but faced with the horrific glare of a too hot sun and the interminable hours of daylight, let's just say that i say no. no to sun. no to daylight. no to summer bbq's and sunscreen and cute sundresses that are overpriced. no. because of you, summer, i am forced by default back into my daylight avoiding habits, a la Spike and Angel.
Sigh! as the brilliant blue burns my corneas behind the shade of my hand as i run from the light, i implore the clouds to return to me, I, la peor de todas, your forgotten lover. i beseech thee.
Sigh! as the brilliant blue burns my corneas behind the shade of my hand as i run from the light, i implore the clouds to return to me, I, la peor de todas, your forgotten lover. i beseech thee.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
In Bruges
good lord. i pressed the wrong button on the flickr spot and wrote a blog entry as an email. holy smokes! i guess that's what happens when one is overcome by lack of sleep and extreme heat anxiety.
anyway, hope you enjoy today's carving photo, drawn from a magazine ad, of flemish houses i believe, like the kind one would find in Bruges, a fine film btw. Xti gives it 5 stars.
anyway, hope you enjoy today's carving photo, drawn from a magazine ad, of flemish houses i believe, like the kind one would find in Bruges, a fine film btw. Xti gives it 5 stars.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Call for Justice
I just signed an online petition on Campaigns @ Animal Rescue site, (home of the daily click to fund food for homeless/shelter pets) demanding justice for 100 sled dogs who were murdered by knife when the economy and demand for 'tourist' work was kaput in Canada. As a devoted animal companion and mami, i am sickened by this unnecessary bloodlust and callous act by the huskies former trainer and caregiver. I hope he gets life in prison, so that he may be haunted by the atrocity of his acts.
Friday, June 10, 2011
envelope envie
paper hoarding is a horrible horrible habit boys and girls.
it takes up a lot of space and it just looks bad, especially if you are not obsessed enough to color coordinate and reorganize your paper collection into nifty little piles and packet folders custom made by, you guessed it, your hoarded paper in your truly neurotic moments of organization. piles of paper wait in clear sterlite bins just waiting to be released into the world, to breath a bit of fresh air, and see the color sapping light of day.
not that yours truly would ever engage in such a despicable activity. Moi? Jamais!
but if i did i would be contrite enough to seek a solution to said nasty habit by redistributing any paper fodder to anyone, anyone, anyone who would be interested.
imagine my relief when just a day after organizing a bin of envelopes (by color, texture, and size) i rec'd mail art from another artist apologizing for her choice of envelope (which had unicorns and a rose colored eiffel tower theme- i thought she was being cheeky!) because she had ran out. Of envelopes.
Envelopes! Of which I possess in the scores, maybe even hundreds. I ran to the shelf, pulled down the bin and stuffed a huge wad of envelopes into an even larger envelope and loaded it up with stamps and sent it on its way.
hmmm. now i am wondering what else i can get rid of this way?
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Kinda sketchy details
my sketchbook project book will be on display in sf next weekend- it was fun but i didn't get to do everything that
i wanted- life seemed to get in the way a bit. it was more of an experiment than a concentrated effort to make things
uniform and tidy-i used it as i do my other journals, as a documentation of colors/textures/techniques and as a sketchbook. i am contemplating doing the next tour-which will be worldwide- hitting london and i believe australia before heading back to the states.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
the shame of not posting
oh the shame! sigh!
since my last post its been a while, but since that time i've done more than quite a bit of artwork, mostly paintings and postcards
to send out. i've sent out at least 40 pieces of art to others, some solicited but more often than not, unsolicited and just for the
joy of knowing that somewhere in the world someone will go to the mail box and be thrilled that there lies within a post box, something that is not a demand for payment due, or bad news, but a colorful work of art.
mail art was sent to japan, serbia, italy, argentina, uruguay, spain, france, indonesia, singapore, sweden and canada, as well as within the continental u.s.
i've also been sharpening up the cutting knives and delving back into carving, lino carving that is, and using up my stash of old pieces to carve before i allow myself to get any new soft lino. my hands, or more accurately, me fingers, get sliced up and nicked, but the joy of seeing a multi-color pass print as a result lends a gentle balm to the skin.
that's all for now, the gigi monster is snoring by my feet while the naughty husky is curled up by the fireplace. its a wonderful sight/night.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
falling off the blogging wagon
Let's give it another try shall we?
with a better situation coming up, la princesa is now moving out after a few short weeks which were so pleasant and full of fun energy. it is amazing how a relatively brief interaction of five minutes or so with a like-minded soul can energize my day and most people notice right away the similarity between la princesa and i--strangers have approached her and identified her as my daughter in her hometown which i find incredible. as conflicted as i am about the move, i am happy that her commute to the city has been shortened considerably and her driving time cut in half. i will miss her wandering in at noon scrounging a tartine with vache-qui-rit and orange juice with her fluffy pink robe and her eye makeup smeared on her eternally child-like visage.
with a better situation coming up, la princesa is now moving out after a few short weeks which were so pleasant and full of fun energy. it is amazing how a relatively brief interaction of five minutes or so with a like-minded soul can energize my day and most people notice right away the similarity between la princesa and i--strangers have approached her and identified her as my daughter in her hometown which i find incredible. as conflicted as i am about the move, i am happy that her commute to the city has been shortened considerably and her driving time cut in half. i will miss her wandering in at noon scrounging a tartine with vache-qui-rit and orange juice with her fluffy pink robe and her eye makeup smeared on her eternally child-like visage.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
to wax poetic
about death and life and renewal and changes: is it trite? comforting? inane?
does it make you want to pick up a virtual shoe and hurl it at the screen?
these are the types of questions that i ponder on a lovely proto-spring day when the sun is setting and i wonder
about the things to come this year.
will it be a year of unveiling and revelation?
will it be a time of discovery and awe
or will it be something as understated as a slow gradual healing and a calm acceptance of
changing times and a way of life that is lost forever. don't worry i won't go on forever
but these things are scuttling through my brain as fast as i am typing, a beetle of thought clicking through
the dusty chambers of my mind.
does it make you want to pick up a virtual shoe and hurl it at the screen?
these are the types of questions that i ponder on a lovely proto-spring day when the sun is setting and i wonder
about the things to come this year.
will it be a year of unveiling and revelation?
will it be a time of discovery and awe
or will it be something as understated as a slow gradual healing and a calm acceptance of
changing times and a way of life that is lost forever. don't worry i won't go on forever
but these things are scuttling through my brain as fast as i am typing, a beetle of thought clicking through
the dusty chambers of my mind.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
times gone by
this morning we had a roomful- usually our four little (!) rescue animals are content to keep to their own little domains, canine w/ canine and feline w/ feline. but this morning after our little gigi went charging into the art room to see if she could score spilled bits of cat food, she was put on 'time out'- a mini session back in her crate. at the moment of calm and stillness that ensued, fritzi, our normally shy and bordering on the paranoid little rescue fluff came out and began to clean her toes on the carpet. nina went over to lie next to her within a nose' reach. then to top everything off, little stinky pants (formally named by my daughter Princess Emma Kerfluffles, which has been shortened to "fluffy" and then hispanicized to "Fafi" or la apestosita) came meandering in the sliding glass door to join the merry midmorning tea time. poor gigi wanted to come say 'hi' to fafi, which usually means she wants to try to put her in her mouth, but alas! her previous territorial misdemeanor stopped her from demonstrating her affections. while she was whining, all three of the others turned to look at her in her "corner", the gaze of the virtuous to the fallen by the wayside.
Monday, February 7, 2011
wow! here's an old photo!
today was about getting rid of old papers, old artworks, old receipts and going through stuff in order to try to get all
the documents together for filing taxes. probably the only thing about being on the poverty level is that
we try to file as soon as possible to see if we can snag a dollar or two from the i.r.s. while i was going through some stuff i found some old jpg files in somekind of application and voila! a photo of way back when nina was officially nino and a wee thing of four weeks old. here she is tipping the scale at a mere whisper of what she weighs now: 59 pounds. in this pix, she is five pounds and not too much bigger than our feline drama queen, madamoiselle fritzi, who despite her fluffy and puffy appearance is quite petite. its amazing the girth that fur adds!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
good morning or g'day?
another extraordinarily bright winter's day
i'm not surprised. since both the offspring have their bdays w/in ten days of each other at this time of year, i can remember
better than most that end of jan/early feb are more often than not, bright and sunny and almost summerlike, at a rate of almost 70%. the princesa loses out more than most though, usually her bday is cold and rainy, with sunshine the day before, and immediately the day after. but for the chivo's bday? sun, sun, sun. i remember too many times him going to school in shorts and t's on his bday and celebrating on the patio outside by eating tacos and having ice cream under bright blue skies.
during the great drought, we even had a swim party for his tenth. that's califas for you. something that non-natives don't realize.
its a desert state, mediterranean climate with only sporadic normal (12 '' annual on a good year) rainfall.
so all those lushly landscaped golf courses in socal? even nocal? an effort in futility.
i'm not surprised. since both the offspring have their bdays w/in ten days of each other at this time of year, i can remember
better than most that end of jan/early feb are more often than not, bright and sunny and almost summerlike, at a rate of almost 70%. the princesa loses out more than most though, usually her bday is cold and rainy, with sunshine the day before, and immediately the day after. but for the chivo's bday? sun, sun, sun. i remember too many times him going to school in shorts and t's on his bday and celebrating on the patio outside by eating tacos and having ice cream under bright blue skies.
during the great drought, we even had a swim party for his tenth. that's califas for you. something that non-natives don't realize.
its a desert state, mediterranean climate with only sporadic normal (12 '' annual on a good year) rainfall.
so all those lushly landscaped golf courses in socal? even nocal? an effort in futility.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
happy metal rabbit
metal rabbit...sounds like some kind of killer rodent with a flak jacket and two automatic double barrel shotguns. (here is my lack of guns, i don't know if a shotgun can EVEN be an automatic or not, i've heard about double barreled though)
anyhoo. extended family tragedy on a weird cosmic scale has prevented me from restarting my blog earlier, my previous target date was february first. but i figure today is as good as any to celebrate having a computer AGAIN (after a long three week period in january without my macbook that suffered a hackneyed electrical sneeze and promptly went blank except for the dreaded file icon with a ? flashing ominously every two seconds)so here i am. tired. physically, psychologically, mentally, and ever other "ally" there is. typing away. as if me life depended on it. just random nonsense. but a testament to the stubborn spirit that refuses to crawl into bed, pull the covers over me head, and hibernate. instead i type numbly while the washer spins and birds sing and puppies beg goodies from me on this brilliantly sunny day.
no pictures either folks, lost them all when the hd crashed. have been too tired to redownload all my images from flickr for the moment. perhaps that will go on to the ever growing to do list that is my existence.
until tomm fair and gentle readers
anyhoo. extended family tragedy on a weird cosmic scale has prevented me from restarting my blog earlier, my previous target date was february first. but i figure today is as good as any to celebrate having a computer AGAIN (after a long three week period in january without my macbook that suffered a hackneyed electrical sneeze and promptly went blank except for the dreaded file icon with a ? flashing ominously every two seconds)so here i am. tired. physically, psychologically, mentally, and ever other "ally" there is. typing away. as if me life depended on it. just random nonsense. but a testament to the stubborn spirit that refuses to crawl into bed, pull the covers over me head, and hibernate. instead i type numbly while the washer spins and birds sing and puppies beg goodies from me on this brilliantly sunny day.
no pictures either folks, lost them all when the hd crashed. have been too tired to redownload all my images from flickr for the moment. perhaps that will go on to the ever growing to do list that is my existence.
until tomm fair and gentle readers
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