Saturday, February 5, 2011

happy metal rabbit

metal rabbit...sounds like some kind of killer rodent with a flak jacket and two automatic double barrel shotguns. (here is my lack of guns, i don't know if a shotgun can EVEN be an automatic or not, i've heard about double barreled though)
anyhoo. extended family tragedy on a weird cosmic scale has prevented me from restarting my blog earlier, my previous target date was february first. but i figure today is as good as any to celebrate having a computer AGAIN (after a long three week period in january without my macbook that suffered a hackneyed electrical sneeze and promptly went blank except for the dreaded file icon with a ? flashing ominously every two seconds)so here i am. tired. physically, psychologically, mentally, and ever other "ally" there is. typing away. as if me life depended on it. just random nonsense. but a testament to the stubborn spirit that refuses to crawl into bed, pull the covers over me head, and hibernate. instead i type numbly while the washer spins and birds sing and puppies beg goodies from me on this brilliantly sunny day.
no pictures either folks, lost them all when the hd crashed. have been too tired to redownload all my images from flickr for the moment. perhaps that will go on to the ever growing to do list that is my existence.
until tomm fair and gentle readers

1 comment:

GwynF said...

Ello gentle writer!
might save you a few hours to download your pix automatically from Flickr