Friday, July 15, 2011

to the park, driver

to the park, driver
Originally uploaded by la5sol
or the beach for the naughty husky's Birthday!!! yes, our little dramatic, over the top, emotional little wolfie-poo Nina herself is three years old. time has gone so fast now that she is slowing down a bit, the first year and a half were excruciatingly slllloooowwwwww, with demands for walks, attention, walks, attention, walks and more attention. honestly, i saw that someone on fb was wanting a puppy and i shuddered at the memory of howmucheffinworkitwas. ouf! as much as a toddler! and everyone who knows me knows how much i detested having toddlers. a breed of demonic humanoids that should be sent away to some sort of island until they are able to verbalize needs and conduct themselves properly. and don't think i didn't stay up nights refusing to submit in powerful battle of wills with mine--i gladly went without sleep to make sure no half pint of neurons with vocal cords in training pants was going to outdo me in stubborn-ness.
as if!

but i would have to say that nina was probably the easiest to get to listen and obey, far easier than gigi, who i have to engage in a duel at least once daily until she remembers who gives the orders--nina, after all--in the words of mj is "a lover, not a fighter". that doesn't mean she doesn't try (hence the nickname the naughty husky). it just means that one steely look from me or a strongly stated reprimand sends her ears back and brings her back to good common sense, and quite often, a little tap dance over to me and a kiss on the hand as an apology or peace offering. happy birthday diba!

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