Tuesday, February 8, 2011

times gone by

this morning we had a roomful- usually our four little (!) rescue animals are content to keep to their own little domains, canine w/ canine and feline w/ feline. but this morning after our little gigi went charging into the art room to see if she could score spilled bits of cat food, she was put on 'time out'- a mini session back in her crate. at the moment of calm and stillness that ensued, fritzi, our normally shy and bordering on the paranoid little rescue fluff came out and began to clean her toes on the carpet. nina went over to lie next to her within a nose' reach. then to top everything off, little stinky pants (formally named by my daughter Princess Emma Kerfluffles, which has been shortened to "fluffy" and then hispanicized to "Fafi" or la apestosita) came meandering in the sliding glass door to join the merry midmorning tea time. poor gigi wanted to come say 'hi' to fafi, which usually means she wants to try to put her in her mouth, but alas! her previous territorial misdemeanor stopped her from demonstrating her affections. while she was whining, all three of the others turned to look at her in her "corner", the gaze of the virtuous to the fallen by the wayside.

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