Friday, June 24, 2011

correo colibri

correo colibri
Originally uploaded by la5sol
in our yard we have two giant bottlebrush bushes that are approx 7 feet tall. within their branches the hummingbirds dance and feed and sing their strange clicking songs of mirth or gossip, depending on the speed or rhythm, i'm guessing. they are quite tame, and usually come to greet me in the mornings and afternoons, hovering close to my face, their tiny eyes focusing on mine with a gaze that belies their aviary nature. in mesoamerican culture, they retain special significance and i feel a great affinity for them. i love to watch them in flight and at rest on our old tree with its withered branches, their tiny bodies no bigger than my thumb. i hope to soon plant even more foliage to keep them close to me so that i can watch them and offer them a bit of respite chez nous.

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