Monday, August 15, 2011

mission blvd

mission blvd
Originally uploaded by la5sol
this year has been all about family stuff for me. so much so that it seems that not a week goes by that i am not engaged with immediate or extended family in one way or another. this weekend was no different. i needed to go see my father on saturday and then go to my uncle's birthday on sunday. since the little monsters are a handful, i doubled back the next day in a sense. while driving both days, i was reminded how much things have changed, and conversely, how thins have remained untouched.
Roads and thoroughfares- big changes. the old farm roads that i knew are being demolished to make way for new overpasses to avoid the inevitable accidents on the two lane hiway.
Farms and crops-unchanged. the smell of broccoli and the sight of row upon row of strawberries and culled through lettuce fields grabs hold of my heart no matter how long i'm away, and twist in an odd fashion. for as much as i hated it here and couldn't wait to go to the "big city", the earth has a hold on me and experiencing the surroundings via the senses calls the long forgotten to be reintegrated.
livestock-still abundant, the cows, the goats, the horses, the ranch dogs that keep pace with your car and bark furiously until you reach the next property always makes me smile.
the picture of this post brought a laugh and smile to my face and heralded my trip back to the fields and hills. it was like a vision from my past announcing my immediate future. have a lovely day.

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