Thursday, February 17, 2011

falling off the blogging wagon

Let's give it another try shall we?
with a better situation coming up, la princesa is now moving out after a few short weeks which were so pleasant and full of fun energy. it is amazing how a relatively brief interaction of five minutes or so with a like-minded soul can energize my day and most people notice right away the similarity between la princesa and i--strangers have approached her and identified her as my daughter in her hometown which i find incredible. as conflicted as i am about the move, i am happy that her commute to the city has been shortened considerably and her driving time cut in half. i will miss her wandering in at noon scrounging a tartine with vache-qui-rit and orange juice with her fluffy pink robe and her eye makeup smeared on her eternally child-like visage.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

to wax poetic

about death and life and renewal and changes: is it trite? comforting? inane?
does it make you want to pick up a virtual shoe and hurl it at the screen?
these are the types of questions that i ponder on a lovely proto-spring day when the sun is setting and i wonder
about the things to come this year.
will it be a year of unveiling and revelation?
will it be a time of discovery and awe
or will it be something as understated as a slow gradual healing and a calm acceptance of
changing times and a way of life that is lost forever. don't worry i won't go on forever
but these things are scuttling through my brain as fast as i am typing, a beetle of thought clicking through
the dusty chambers of my mind.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

times gone by

this morning we had a roomful- usually our four little (!) rescue animals are content to keep to their own little domains, canine w/ canine and feline w/ feline. but this morning after our little gigi went charging into the art room to see if she could score spilled bits of cat food, she was put on 'time out'- a mini session back in her crate. at the moment of calm and stillness that ensued, fritzi, our normally shy and bordering on the paranoid little rescue fluff came out and began to clean her toes on the carpet. nina went over to lie next to her within a nose' reach. then to top everything off, little stinky pants (formally named by my daughter Princess Emma Kerfluffles, which has been shortened to "fluffy" and then hispanicized to "Fafi" or la apestosita) came meandering in the sliding glass door to join the merry midmorning tea time. poor gigi wanted to come say 'hi' to fafi, which usually means she wants to try to put her in her mouth, but alas! her previous territorial misdemeanor stopped her from demonstrating her affections. while she was whining, all three of the others turned to look at her in her "corner", the gaze of the virtuous to the fallen by the wayside.

Monday, February 7, 2011

wow! here's an old photo!

today was about getting rid of old papers, old artworks, old receipts and going through stuff in order to try to get all
the documents together for filing taxes. probably the only thing about being on the poverty level is that
we try to file as soon as possible to see if we can snag a dollar or two from the i.r.s. while i was going through some stuff i found some old jpg files in somekind of application and voila! a photo of way back when nina was officially nino and a wee thing of four weeks old. here she is tipping the scale at a mere whisper of what she weighs now: 59 pounds. in this pix, she is five pounds and not too much bigger than our feline drama queen, madamoiselle fritzi, who despite her fluffy and puffy appearance is quite petite. its amazing the girth that fur adds!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

good morning or g'day?

another extraordinarily bright winter's day
i'm not surprised. since both the offspring have their bdays w/in ten days of each other at this time of year, i can remember
better than most that end of jan/early feb are more often than not, bright and sunny and almost summerlike, at a rate of almost 70%. the princesa loses out more than most though, usually her bday is cold and rainy, with sunshine the day before, and immediately the day after. but for the chivo's bday? sun, sun, sun. i remember too many times him going to school in shorts and t's on his bday and celebrating on the patio outside by eating tacos and having ice cream under bright blue skies.
during the great drought, we even had a swim party for his tenth. that's califas for you. something that non-natives don't realize.
its a desert state, mediterranean climate with only sporadic normal (12 '' annual on a good year) rainfall.
so all those lushly landscaped golf courses in socal? even nocal? an effort in futility.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

happy metal rabbit

metal rabbit...sounds like some kind of killer rodent with a flak jacket and two automatic double barrel shotguns. (here is my lack of guns, i don't know if a shotgun can EVEN be an automatic or not, i've heard about double barreled though)
anyhoo. extended family tragedy on a weird cosmic scale has prevented me from restarting my blog earlier, my previous target date was february first. but i figure today is as good as any to celebrate having a computer AGAIN (after a long three week period in january without my macbook that suffered a hackneyed electrical sneeze and promptly went blank except for the dreaded file icon with a ? flashing ominously every two seconds)so here i am. tired. physically, psychologically, mentally, and ever other "ally" there is. typing away. as if me life depended on it. just random nonsense. but a testament to the stubborn spirit that refuses to crawl into bed, pull the covers over me head, and hibernate. instead i type numbly while the washer spins and birds sing and puppies beg goodies from me on this brilliantly sunny day.
no pictures either folks, lost them all when the hd crashed. have been too tired to redownload all my images from flickr for the moment. perhaps that will go on to the ever growing to do list that is my existence.
until tomm fair and gentle readers