Wednesday, February 25, 2009

i <3 pink and orange

Originally uploaded by la5sol
After a few weeks of doing the crystal vision thing, i have switched for some unapparent reason, to squares...squares filling empty spaces, squares surrounding visible and recognizable shapes, just squares within squares. again, i know there is a cosmic reason for this, any astrological explanantions? anyone? anyone?
i do love the orange and how it decute -i-fies the hot pink, it lends a sort of edge to it.
somethings that happened this month:
doctors appts
dislocated shoulder
energy work and healing
cleaning up yard
lotsa mail art done and sent out
finally sending out betsy's surprise gift, (shhh! she hasn't got it yet)
& my mum's as well
taking nino to the dog park so he can learn that other dogs just want to have fun
STILL trying to find enuf $ for
mim's spa day
new 'spadrilles

march is almost here, let's hope it proves to be a financial windfall!!! ooohwoo! [money mantra here plzzzz]

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