Friday, September 16, 2011


Originally uploaded by la5sol
its been twelve days since i posted last. and true to my word i have been sketching a lot more, filling up pages with color in a newly prepped day journal and have been working on juggling languages with deftness and ease. i found word games in french and spanish and i have been trying to decompress a bit by playing in spare moments. the image is from 'les mots' , but of course it doesn't have the room on my ipheezy to squeeze in my favorite of all time "jose chung's from outer space." Roswell! Roswell!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

the blogging has been neglected of late and for the life of me i can't seem to think of the why and where did august go? i was extremely lucky that during the month we had more than adequate cloud cover, meaning Happy Mami, Happy Nina, and Happy Gigi! looking through most of my sketchbooks, (which serve as a hard copy of real life) i did a bit of walking with the girls, mostly along a stretch of bayside that faces the island of alameda and the skyline of sf, which is aptly named 'shoreline park'. did more cooking than usual, which means the painting of postcards and such diminished drastically. so it will be good to get back into that habit. did some drawing. sent out the mail art. saw more family than i have in the last few years. just about wrapped up another journal/collage book, "les mots" with the exception of some outlining paint to bring some rather fractured pieces/pages some cohesiveness. and received my new sketchbook project sketchbook and have been keeping it right here next to the computer so that i may, sketch in it, every, every moment so that it gets filled up sooner rather than later. the collage posted with this entry is one that i did a while back on a piece of cardboard with scraps from the recycle bin and a foil piece from a pellegrino limonata can. ummmm, pellegrino mi amore!