Friday, January 30, 2009

Postcard-Crystal vision

Postcard-Crystal vision
Originally uploaded by la5sol
Here it is the final throes of January, and enjoying balmy spring weather, birds are singing, hummingbirds are clicking their calls of love to one another and floating above the trees in a folie a deux, inspiring one to look above, look to each other, and follow in patterns of flight and dance.

Artwise, the prints that i received back in exchange for the Four Oceans Press Elements exchange were breathtaking. I am the tiniest bit intimidated by the quality of work that i received back, which means that next time i will def have to work harder on the upcoming element, Air.

As you can see by the picture that accompanies this entry, there was a specific time where all i could draw were these crystal vision shapes, which is a departure of sorts for me. No eyes to be seen for miles around, and now i am manifesting circles within circles. Analysis anyone? Me neither. Not to fret, the universe has its reasons.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

new age

new age
Originally uploaded by la5sol
It's almost here....a new lunar year of the ox [metal ox checking in!- good lord, is it possible, a double earth sign??? and you wonder why i'm not quick and witty as those air signs!] and calls to national service and venus in virgo means a high rate of manifestation and synchronicity!!!
keep positive and make art, enjoy nature and finish those poems.

i myself, am knee-deep in the second draft of the novel i started in nov, and i am really loving this story, i can't help but pick and poke and prod at the tiniest details, and re-read the thing over and over again. i am determined to get this finished by the next lunar new year... ><

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Originally uploaded by la5sol
here is the previously mentioned atcs i created with marking pens

2009, new beginnings.

I couldn't help but see that the last post i wrote was on the occasion of the death of my precious baby. so much has happened since then and we have adopted new little friends who have kept me awfully busy and not able to keep up with the regular posts as before, most notably a puppy and a kitten who are like salt and pepper, and together these little guys spell t-r-o-u-b-l-e! first of all, they are a few weeks apart, 6 to be exact, and they have been raised together in an effort to recondition the pup's inherent tendency as a breed to attack cats. this has worked out extremely well, and he has never ever bitten her and they play together quite well. at nap time, they sleep in close proximity, almost touching but not quite. in fact, it is the cat who is the aggressor in this little dynamic duo, and once she settles down with age, i believe they will be sleeping calmly in the same huge cage (which we have named the deluxe condo, due to its size and fluffy pillow content).
they keep me rolling, and practically all mail art has been halted except for the few RAKs i get out to local artists once in awhile.
but, alas! as time goes on, i am looking forward to painting and collaging (is that a word?) de nuevo new postcards to send out in the international mail.

above is one of the photos from flickr of the atcs i made