Monday, August 27, 2007

finished first Mail Art call!

Yes! i finished the first of the mail art calls that i was gonna do: here's the front and back of little alyonka. (done with bleached printed, over colored with stamp-pad and colored pencils, collaged, with little buttons added. gold leaf pens.)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

what i sent to envelope collective

here is the front and back of what i sent to envelope collective

journal pages

lets see if this works- here's some stuff from my small blk/wht moleskine journal, done in blk india ink.

having trouble uploading images

ok, something went wrong trying to upload the images....i am going to try again so i can get some lovely pix up to show.

pati's atcs on

I was perusing mail art calls on and our groups cards were up there- well, pati and lindall's were. it was very inspiring. tomm am i am going to make some color copies of little aloynka to finish up a post card for the call going out to russia.
i am plannig to put her little face on some copies of "poupee gigogne" that i found in marie claire idees.
i wll put the pix up before i send it out.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

saturday meetup day

Last nite in sF was so much fun, mimi and i went to Books Inc in Opera Plaza for the eclipse reading. Packed house, standing room only. mimi was so excited, but she didn't get to ask any questions due to the massive amounts of people present, very nicely mixed crowd. stephanie meyer was lovely, and she actually complemented mim on her beautiful eyes! after that, we browsed the bookstore, and grabbed at chai at the Peets next door. took the drive back home via the peninsula and got mim some pasta at the chili's in menlo park at 10 pm. when we got home, i finished up some atc's to take to today's meetup. i tried, (harhar) to make some scrappy type cards to trade out to the miami group. we'll see about what i get back today.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Eclipse Tonight!!

Tonite is the night that mimi and i are heading to sf to the Eclipse reading on Van Ness with author Stephanie Meyer, mim'z so excited!! she has been planning her questions for weeks and weeks. i did so much art this week, i did some really great backgrounds, cut some stamps, and finally finished the doomie astrological calendar and actually got it mailed out. also have been checking on some open mail art calls which i am going to do my best to participate in. tomm is the monthly atc meetup, and sunday i'm watching little sumaya while sarah goes to table at the farmer's market.

Friday, August 10, 2007

another busy friday

This weekend again holds the promise of activity and community: a family reunion on saturday and a meetup on sunday (fabric this time). Eclipse was released this week, a great read for all those who like stories and tales of the undead and those who lurve them. I went to SF to get tickets to the authors event in two weeks, mimi's preparing her questions for the author as i type. i feel sorry for the poor thing-mim's not very happy with the indecisiveness of the female protagonist-and she is preparing an onslaught of ??'s for the unfortunate ms.meyer. also, tuesday was fun 'cause i went to shiva's to have henna applied to my hands and feet as shown above. i placed my hand and feeties on one of my journal entries that i'd applied various color washes to earlier this week.